Hammer City Roller Derby is celebrating their 20 year anniversary. The oldest photos I have are only 13 years-old. (update. Clearly a math issue this morning 2025-2013 = 12 years) Decided to go through the editing room floor and see if there is anything there. Typrically what ends up on the floor, especially in 2013, got there cause of technical issues. Out of focus, exposure, too grainy, etc. The rest gets there through repetition, for brevities sake, adds little, etc. Same things happen today though dare I say less for tech reasons.
I picked through the images to see what could be salvaged. Picked more for interest despite suffering from one to the issues listed in the above paragraph. I want to say at least 60% have never seen the pixel of a monitor. Made it to about June 2013 and will add more as time permits.
The Hammer City images come from games and scrimmages – public and private.
One thing I forgot was that Hammer City would have a dance at the end.
Click the image to see the gallery.